- 論文の詳細を見る
Many children with mental retardation usually experience severe learning difficulties on many reading tasks.Then present study examined the effects of reading remediation for a child with moderate mental retardation. Reading instructions by illustrated book were carried out through three periods.First period was baseline phase. Then ordinary reading instructions were carried out from page 1 to page 2. In second period, reading instructions using item-specific processing were carried out from page 3 to page 6. In third period, after summer vacation, same instructions as second period were carried out from page 7 to page 9.Two Measures were used to assess the amount of information encoded by the child. (1) Measure of item-specific information : Numbers of recalled sentences within a paragraph. (2) Measure of relational information : Numbers of retrieved paragraphs. These measures were assessed based on final recall of whole story included in one page.Both measures didn't increase in first period (baseline). But both measures increased in second period remarkably. In third period, both measures decreased than second period, but these were still high compared with fist period. These results suggested that instructions using item-specific processing had an effect on reading remediation for a child with mental retardation.
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