都市部女子学生の栄養摂取状況に関する検討 : 自記式食事歴法質問票調査と7日間食物摂取状況調査の比較
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OBJECTIVE: In this study we investigated the self-administered diet history questionnaire (=DHQ) and 7day survey of food intakes. We compared the results of the two investigations and examined the validity of methods for the investigations and the indications they have for their dietary education. METHODS: The survey was conducted during April 2005. The subjects were 135 urban female students, age 18 or 19. OUTCOME: 1. The questionnaire was self-administered diet history questionnaire (=DHQ). 2. Energy intake was assessed by 7day dietary record method. RESTULTS: 1. Mean±SD of 1day total energy intakes in DHQ were 1950±783kcal, 7day survey of food intakes were 1487±317kcal. 2. The ratio of fat energy was 32.0%, it was 30% over in DHQ. In 7day dietary record method, the ratio of fat energy was 29.4±5.4%, it was not over 30%. In both investigations, the lacking nutrients were Fe and VB_1, and the lacking food groups were fish and meats. 3. BMI≧25 were 10.4% which means a trend towards obesity. 4. Students who imagined themselves overweight were 71.9%, and those on a diet were 35.6%, their major methods were diet restriction and exercise. 5. The number going without breakfast was 25.2%. Eating breakfast out was 6.7%. The number eating out and having pre-cooked meals was higher than the average in a national nutrition survey. DISCUSSION: The result shows that DHQ was of certain practical value for the estimation of energy intake while researchers must treat the results of 7day dietary record method carefully since the record remains in part inaccurately underrated. This suggests further investigation is needed on nutrition education for urban female students.
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