古いシンボルの連続と伝統の革新 : "アジアの近代化"考
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In dealing with the question of methods or processes in the modern transformation or innovation of indigenous value systems in Asia, in order to develop more humanitarian and universalistic values, it is essential to explore how the indigenous cultural elements (impact from within) and the external influences interact. In the process of the modern transformation of Asian countries, there is always the possibility of materialistic or technological modernization through Westernization replacing the traditional elements on the one hand, and on the other, the possibility of total affirmation and glorification of the traditional. However, at the same time we find some sincere inquiry into the possibilities of a. more productive and creative transformation avoiding the above-mentioned unproductive dichotomy the search to bring forth hidden potentialities of humanitarian or universalistic elements from the bosom of the indigenous cultural soil, responding to or sometimes even reacting against the stimulations of the universalistic and. humanitarian values which accompanied the influences from the outside (from the West or from neighbouring countries) such as Christianity, religious or secular humanism, democracy, concepts of social justice, etc. In Asia we find some interesting methodological experiments of the productive transformation and innovation of such indigenous energies toward humanistic and universalistic values while maintaining genuinely Asiatic traditions and meaning. In this article the author tries to explore some productive approaches and methods of such changes for innovation of the Asiatic indigenous cultural values, taking up certain cases from Japan and also some from other parts of Asia, such as "Pantja Sila" of Indonesia in the struggles for independence and for new social order with spiritual and cultural ground for self identity of the people, and that of India in the search for peaceful co-existence in Asia in the postWar, or "Barangays" of the Philippines in an effort toward nation-building and the re-vitalization and democratization of indigenous rural communities.
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