日本におけるキリスト教教育原理の問題の一齣 : 教育と宗教の衝突論争をめぐって
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I. Preface: The purpose of this study is to seek an insight on Christian Philosophy of Education in Japan relation to the conflict between the traditional and nationalistic concept of man and the Christian concept of man. II. The ethical question raised by the early Protestants. Criticism of the Confucian ethics on which the feudalistic and Tennoistic social and ethical structure was founded, at the same time introducing the points made by Hiromichi Kozaki's "New Essay on Politics and Religion," and Naomi Tamura's "Christianity and Politics." III. The Shimmin Education (education to mold the people. as the subjects of the Emperor) propagated by the nationalists. The educational thought of the leading nationalistic edu. cators (such as Arinori Mori, Nagazane Motoda and Shigeki Nishimura), who on the basis of Confucian ethical teaching sougnt to make the Emperor the ethical as well as political head. of paternalistic family-nation. IV. The controversy between national education and Christianity. 1) The criticism of Christianity made by the outstanding nationalistic scholar, prof. Tetsujiro Inoue of Tokyo Imperial University. 2) The criticism of Christianity made by Buddhists. 3) The refutation by the Christians, both the Catholics and the Protestants. V. Some problems of Christian Philosophy of Education in Japan. 1) Problem of the authority of nation and Emperor. 2) Loyal and filial piety as the foundation of ethics. 3) The problem of concept of man "to be as a part" or "to be as oneself."
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