森有礼における教育人間像 : 「個人」と「国家」をめぐって
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When we look over the total life of Arinori Mori, the leader of education in Meiji Period, we find two contradictory aspects of his thought. Earlier he was very progressive and democtatic, proclaiming individual freedom and dignity of man, while later he became very nationalistic. In 1872 when he was in America he published "Religious Freedom in Japan," together with "The Religious Charter of Empire of Dai Nippon." Here he says that among many important human concerns, religious freedom and liberty of conscience are the most vital ones. And he bravely criticizes the prohibition of Christianity by the Japanese Government and in order to secure these sacred rights of man he proposes "the established laws" and "universal education." This document is the earliest and most thorough proclamation of freedom of religion and conscience in the history of this country. "Education in Japan" which he edited dealt with the question of future education of Japan. On his return to homeland, Mori organized Meirokusha (the forerunner of academy) with the leading scholars including Yukichi Fukuzawa, and contributed a great deal to the enlightenment of the people in this period. But in the latter half of his life when the formation of the absolutistic modern Japan was taking positive steps, we find Mori as a very nationalistic and reactionary leader of national education. He was so eager to mould the total Japanese people in the pattern of the faithful subjects of the Emperor's nation. He even proclaimed that education is not for the pupils themselves, but for the nation. His method was mechanical adopting those of military training. This emphasis which he introduced into teacher training determined the formation of the so-called inhuman, double-personality type of the Japanese teachers. The present essay seeks for the true nature of this typical bureaucratic thinker, Mori's educational thought and his understanding of man revolving on these two contradictory axes, namely, "individual" and "nation."
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