アジアの革新におけるキリスト教 : 孫文と宮崎滔天
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Sun Yat-sen, one of the most outstanding leaders of the Chinese Revolution, was a Christian. In most of the biography of Sun Yat-sen in Japan, Marxian interpretation is distinct as a forerunner of Chairman Mao's Chinese Revolution, but the Christian quality is almost completely excluded. He was a son of a poor farmer who lived near Macao and became a Christian when he was young, and he lived as a faithful Christian throughout his life. He led the Chinese Revolution with the confidence that he was sent by Jesus Christ to liberate the suppressed Chinese people, to help men to obtain equality and freedom. Thus, for him, the Three Principles of the People ("San Min Chu I" or "the Triple Demism") - nationalism (self-determination), political democracy (people's right) and economic equality (sharing equal land) - and the principle of the Chinese Republic (in 1912-1913) had their spiritual and moral ground in Christianity. He died in the midst of anti-Christian movements in China during the 1920's, having proclaimed that he had dedicated himself to the Revolution as a Christian. Miyazaki Torazo (Toten) was a unique Japanese among many who were interested in China, particularly in the Chinese Revolution. Different from the "Tairiku Ronin" (the Japanese loafers in the Chinese Continent who were interested to take over China and thus became the instruments of the Japanese Imperialistic expansion and invasion) and having sharply separated himself from them, Miyazaki Toten was an unusal Japanese who had genuine interest in, and sympathy with, the Chinese Revolution as a part of the Revolution of Asia and of the world to bring about equality and justice based on universal brotherhood on the earth. Thus Miyazaki discovered Sun Yat-sen as the leader for the coming Chinese Revolutions, and introduced him to the Japanese. He translated Sun Yat-sen's "Kidnapped in London" into Japanese in 1898, which was fourteen years before a Chinese translation of this book came out. Thus he became a faithful supporter and co-worker of Sun Yat-sen until the end of his life. Miyazaki Toten was brought up under the influence of Kyushu Jiyu Minken (the movement for the People's Rights) which was more interested in "nationalism" than in "human rights", but in his youth he became a devoted Christian. After a few years he became an apostate because of his doubt about the relationship between religion and science. Nonetheless, I think that Christian influence along with that of Tokutomi Soho's "heimin shugi" nurtured Miyazaki Toten's basic thought pattern or value system which stands for a revolution based upon universalism going beyond particularistic chauvinism. In this article, I would like to trace the process of development of Toten's universalistic thought pattern in concept of man and social system and his identification with and commitment to Sun Yat-sen's Chinese Revolution and inquire into the common roots in the value concept of both of these two figures who dedicated them-selves to the innovation of Asia in value concept and social and political system. Contents I . Sun Yat-sen, a Christian and Miyazaki Toten, an apostate. II. Personality Development of Miyazaki Toten and Christianity. -Development of his "Basic Thought Pattern"- a/Oegijuku School of Tokutomi Soho and young Toten b/Conversion of Toten and his "Basic Thought Pattern". c/Cobleigh Seminary (present Chinzei Gakuin) in Nagasaki and the Process of becoming an apostate III. The Value System - Concept of man and of social revolution of Toten in relationship to his participation in the Chinese Revolution. -Discovery of Sun Yat-sen and Co-operation with him in the Revolution - in an attempt of innovation of Asia- IV. Interest in the Eschatological View of the Crisis of History in Dai-Uchukyo (Hori Saikichi's "Religion of Great Universe") and the Question of Recreating the Brutal in Human nature in relation to radical social Change.
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