教育者としての新渡戸稲造 : 新渡戸稲造の研究(その1)
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In the development of educational thought in modern Japan, the predominant emphasis was nationalistic and utilitarian. However, if we closely examine the trend of educational thought and activities which contributed to promote and realize the respect of individuality or development of personality, we find a few peaks, such as (1) the concept of human right advocated by Fukuzawa Yukichi and other thinkers of the period of Bunmeikaika; (2) Christian concept of man as expressed in the education of Christian (mission) schools, most of which were started by the middle of Meiji period; (3) liberal education during the period of Taisho Democracy; and (4) the post war democratic concept of education expressed in the Basic Law of Education which replaced the Imperial Rescript on Education. In this picture I find Dr. Nitobe Inazo (1862-1933) as an unique and significant figure. Having been a product of Sapporo Band, one of three fountain heads of Protestantism in Japan, he was the promoter and leader of the liberal education of the period of Taisho Democracy. At the same time he represented the indigenous root of democratic thought which helped to undergird the reformation of education in the post war Japan. Among those educators and scholars who have played decisive roles in the democratization of education are found an impressive list of Nitobe's desciples. Dr. Nitobe was known world-wide as the author of "Bushido" and many other books. He was a great Christian leader who has contributed much to international and intercultural understanding as a "bridge over the Pacific Ocean". His way of bridging the Western and Oriental culture, or Christianity and the Japanese mind, was unique, being similar to but somewhat different from syncretism. His personality and insight suggest an unique pattern in the attempts for the modernization of Japan. This article constitutes a part of my study on his thought in general and deals with the significance of his educational thought and activities as a great reformer of government higher education, as the first president of Tokyo Woman's Christian College and supporter of many other girls' schools, as the founder of a night school for young laborers as well as popular author and lecturer of national fame.
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