近代科学攝取の三つの道 : 福沢諭吉,加藤弘之,植村正久を中心に
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During the Meiji period a revolutionary development occurred in the field of academic learning and science in Japan. There was a transition from the ethical teachings of Confucianism, the basic ideology sustaining the feudalistic social structure, to modern Western science, introduced by the Enlightenment movement of the Meiji Era. However a single approach to the adoption of modern science was not followed. On the contrary a variety of approaches were taken which evidences the nature of the problem which has confronted modern science in Japan. In this paper I have compared three typical approaches to the adoption of modern science which are expressed in the writings of Yukichi Fukuzawa of Keio University and a liberal, Hiroyuki Kato, the first president of Tokyo University and a nationalist, and Masahisa Uemura, a leading Protestant of the Meiji period. I. Preface II. Establishment of modern science by Yukichi Fukuzawa a) Independence of science from government. b) Method of cognition and academic inquiry: by observation and rationalization and to govern nature by the discovery of the law of nature. c) The significance of "Jitsugaku" advocated by Fukuzawa. d) Scientific truth and man. III. The Problems in Hiroyuki Kato's adoption of Darwinian evolutionism a) Kato's concept of natural law by evolutionism. b) Men as slaves of natural law in the theory of evolutionism. c) The relation of the individual to the nation as an organic elationship. d). Inconsistency of scientific truth in Kato's science distorted by the irrationality of the Emperor's absolute authority. IV. Man and science in the thought of Masahisa Uemura: A Christian criticism of the above two concepts of the nature of science.
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