性教育における教育内容・方法の研究 : 授業及び教育相談による価値観形成に向けての取り組み(教育哲学)
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The Purpose of Research Much attention has recently been paid to the importance of sex education. Conversely, it is often said that in sex education we should teach only biological facts about human bodies, but no further aspects such as the sense of value towards sex. To support this opinion, it is said that in the modern world sex does not necessarily mean love and that sex issues are too complex to be able to clarify in the domain of educational purpose. Is this really the way sex education should be? It is true that many young people nowadays hesitate to use the word "love", and instead employ other weaker-sounding terminology such as "like": This tendency to avoid the strong word "love"; however, results mostly from a lack of appropriate knowledge and information about sex as well as from the complexity of "love" itself. In other words, there must be some crucial issues which can be considered for the purpose of better sex education. In this research, two aspects of sex education were examined by means of a survey of university students. The two aspects are as follows: (1) Sources of sex information in junior high and high school, and university, and their effect on the formation of sexual attitudes. (2) Necessary and effective educational approaches toward better sex education. Procedure Two classes of the Division of Education at ICU with almost the same number of students were selected for this research. One class, with four periods of sex education as the experimental group, consisted of 53 students (male 12 and female 41). The other, with no sex education periods as the control group, consisted of 54 students (male 17 and female 37, excluding three students who took both classes). Both classes were carried on through student centred group research, presentations and discussions, and the instructor's brief lectures except for the students' presentations and the intensive supplementary lectures (two periods for each) on sex education for the experimental group. At the beginning of the term, a questionnaire about sex education in their junior high, high school and university, and its effects on thought and attitudes towards sex, was distributed to the both groups of students and the data were closely analysed. At the end of term, both groups of students were asked mainly about possible changes in their thought and attitudes through the course studies on sex. Results In the end-of-term questionnaire, significant differences were revealed between the experimental and control groups (p<0.05). As regards the experimental group, the average of the course evaluation was 4.3. Moreover, 63% of the experimental group claimed that the course helped change their attitudes towards sex, 15% of the same group replied that the course agreed with their previous concepts of sex. Furthermore, the questionnaire revealed that a considerable change in attitudes was obvious in various aspects throughout the course. In other words, the research demonstrated that there are many important issues to be discussed concerning educational content and method for the better formation of a sexual sense among young people.
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