道徳教育の基礎 : 内村鑑三の道徳論と西村茂樹の道徳論の対比から
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The purpose of this article is to compare the Uchimura's Christian model of moral education with the Nishimura's "electic" model. Specifically, the paper seeks to discuss how the foundation of moral education should be set. The author believes that Christians today need to consider the same challenge as Uchimura did. Both Uchimura and Nishimura were seriously concerned about immorality in Meiji era and made efforts to reform Japan through the introduction of moral education. Because Nishimura rejected any religious bases, he developed his own moral education based on Emperor system of Japan from his historical point of view, supported by thought of "Jukyo" and western philosophy. Uchimura also tried to reform Japan morally. He preached the need of Christianity as the foundation of Japanese moral education, explaining that the actual practices of Christianity were really superior to those of "Jukyo." Today, confronted with same problems, most educators insist on democratic moral education but deny Christianity which is the foundation of western democracy. If so, they have to grope for the foundation of their democratic moral education as Nishimura did. Christians also have to introduce Christianity as the foundation of their moral education not only to introduce the "flavor" of it.
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