パソコン・データベースの問題点についての研究 : FM-16βを中心として
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This study deals with a Data Based Management System (DBMS). Developing a program which deals with many kinds of and large amounts of information usually requires a lot of time and money if the program is made by a general computer language. However, if a DBMS is utilized, the program can be made by a simple set of commands. But since the DBMS is not useable in as many situations as general computer languages are, a suitable software for the DBMS ought to be chosen on the basis of the job requirement. Purchasing software sold on the market for the DBMS is common, but the following should be taken into consideration to determine how to choose the right software: 1) Choose software that is easy to operate. 2) Choose ones with understandable instructions. 3) Choose ones which show proper directions during operation. 4) Choose ones which have function to check faulty inputs. 5) Choose ones which have proper functions for report writing. 6) Choose ones which are able to deal with changes in job contents. The capability of the personal computer should be considered for the adoption of the DBMS, since the capability of the personal computer langely influences the DBMS. The following are suggestions on how to determine whether a personal computer is suitable or not: 1. Has a variety of software. 2. Has a rapid processing speed. 3. Has a large memory capacity. 4. A variety of hardware can be added to it. 5. Is able to utilize and display Kanji Characters. The following are the summary of some research on the software for the DBMS and the personal computers on the market: 1. An FM-16β is a personal computer which can perform the necessary functions for the DBMS and work in the planning of local network. 2. Further investigation on the software of the DBMS is necessary.
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