- 論文の詳細を見る
Peter the Venerable, 9th abbot of Cluny, facing the chronic crisis of domestic economy caused by excessive dependence on the use of money, came to adopt a system of mesatica per decanias, i.e. a rota system by which eighteen manorial centers, called decania, assumed the task of provisioning the monastery during a certain length of time. It aimed at rational running of estates and intensification of direct exploitation. In 1155-1156, the abbot wishing to reorganize the system of mesatica made commissioners draw up a complete Inventory concerning profits of each manor with the aid of Henri de Blois, bishop of Winchester. There remain only twelve Inventories handed down to us. We can make use of them to elucidate the structure of the manorial system of Cluny in the midst of the twelfth century. Surveying the catalogs of income from twelve manors, we can deduce the following conclusions. There are three kinds of resources. The profits obtained from peasant-holdings are mainly composed of money income, and are relatively small and fixed. We can find everywhere the conversion of labour services and renders in kind into fixed dues. Second, the profits from parish churches and from banalite constitute one of the steadiest sources of income. The former consists of "tithe and task" (decima et tascha) and of altar-revenues deriving from the sacerdotal ministry, i.e. oblationes que ad altare pertinent. The latter is composed of revenues of mills and bread-ovens. It is worthy of our attention that a domestic staff (familia decaniae) numbering about twenty or thirty individuals were fed on the produce of the mills and bread-ovens throughout the year. Third, the most substantial returns came from the manorial demesne. It produced twice as much wheat and rye, and five times as muchj wine as peasant holdings. The demesne was a veritable center of manorial system. The monks of Cluny, therefore, endeavored to keep their demesne in good condition, reconstructing and even enlarging them by clearing new ground or planting vines. In Cluniac decania, labour services offered by peasants were reducing. But each decania appears to have been sufficiently provided with manpower derived from its domestic staff called familia, who were responsible for cultivating demesne. The monastery of Cluny was far from being "rentier du sol".
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1985-07-20
- 中世高期南フランスにおける領主制--オーヴェルニュのソーキスィヤンジュ修道院,及び,ブリウード教会参事会の記録帳(カルチュレール)の分析をとおして
- クリュニー修道院長とブルジョア
- 井上浩一「ビザンツ帝国」
- クリュニー修道会の制度化とその解体
- オドンとその改革思想
- クリュニーの設立をめぐる諸問題
- 改革教皇の枢機卿政策
- 改革教皇権の危機-1111〜1112年-
- 改革教皇の改名
- 聖堂参事会改革の歴史的位置
- "Diversi sed non-adversi"
- 陸軍天保銭問題
- 改革教皇権と枢機卿団 : 中世の2つの諷刺作品をてがかりとして
- 第一、第二ラテラノ公会議
- クリュニー修道制の歴史的位置
- ゴルズの改革と周年記念禱名簿
- 寄進と救済
- クリュニーと改革教皇権(中)
- クリュニーと改革教皇権(上)
- クリュニーと免属特権
- 12世紀の所領収益表を通してみたクリュニー領主制
- ミュンヘンヴィラーのネクロロギウム
- フランス中世におけるコンプラン契約 : フランス・ワイン史によせて (工藤定雄教授退官記念号)
- 聖職者独身制の形成 : 教皇改革の理解のために
- 万霊節の設定とその歴史的意義
- ロ-マ教皇庁と情報 (情報と歴史学-1-)
- 祈祷者身分の形成
- クリュニ-と祈祷兄弟盟約
- 死質(mort-gage)契約考
- プレカリア考
- クリュニ-と改革教皇権
- グレゴリウス改革の研究に関する覚え書き--野口洋二著「グレゴリウス改革の研究」を読んで
- クリュニーと救済の体系
- ロドリグ・ラヴォア「十一世紀から十三世紀にかけてのポアトウーにおけるブレッスのセニューリ」(Rodrigue Lavoie;La seigneurie de Bouresse en Poitou du 11e au 13e siecle,1969)
- 古典荘園をめぐる諸問題--特にフランス史学を中心にして(昭和44年度大会シンポジウム・中世における土地所有者と権力形態)
- 古典荘園をめぐる諸問題--特にフランス史学を中心にして (中世における土地所有者と権力形態(昭和44年度大会シンポジウム))
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- ヨーロッパ : 中世 : 西欧(一九八一年の歴史学界 : 回顧と展望)
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