- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to clarify a tremendous role the reformed monasticism played during the formation of feudal society through the aid of a necrology of the Cluniac priory, Munchenwiler, that is the most extensive of all the medieval necrologies. We have reached the following conclusions : 1)Necrology was a monastic register for mutual intercession of the monks. In the High Middle Ages, almost all the Benedictine monks were elevated to priesthood and they formed a privileged group consisting of men of prayer (oratores). 2)The monks' raison d'etre was to intercede for lay patrons. They were enrolled in Cluny's Book of Life (Liber Vitae) and commemorated in the elaborate and extended Cluniac liturgy. 3)Reformed monasticism became an accelarating element of the downfall of the Carolingian monarchy. Through the contract of precaria with monastic establishments, there arose increasingly two separate classes, that is, warriors (bellatores) and peasants (laboratores). Furthermore the cooperation of new nobility and reformed monasticism brought about the disintegration of territories of the old monasteries (Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Saint Bertin and Saint Denis etc. ...) and undermined the administrative unit of the Carolingian Empire, namely, pagus (=dioecesis). 4)The emergence of new corps d'Elite, namely, a body of men of prayer came to secularize the traditional sacredness of the king. In France, the secular and spiritual power had been actually separated by the first half of the eleventh century. This de facto distinction between the secular (temporalia) and religious power (spiritualia), we might say, decided the character of the French Investiture Controversy.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1980-04-20
- 中世高期南フランスにおける領主制--オーヴェルニュのソーキスィヤンジュ修道院,及び,ブリウード教会参事会の記録帳(カルチュレール)の分析をとおして
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- 井上浩一「ビザンツ帝国」
- クリュニー修道会の制度化とその解体
- オドンとその改革思想
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- 改革教皇の改名
- 聖堂参事会改革の歴史的位置
- "Diversi sed non-adversi"
- 陸軍天保銭問題
- 改革教皇権と枢機卿団 : 中世の2つの諷刺作品をてがかりとして
- 第一、第二ラテラノ公会議
- クリュニー修道制の歴史的位置
- ゴルズの改革と周年記念禱名簿
- 寄進と救済
- クリュニーと改革教皇権(中)
- クリュニーと改革教皇権(上)
- クリュニーと免属特権
- 12世紀の所領収益表を通してみたクリュニー領主制
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- 死質(mort-gage)契約考
- プレカリア考
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- 古典荘園をめぐる諸問題--特にフランス史学を中心にして(昭和44年度大会シンポジウム・中世における土地所有者と権力形態)
- 古典荘園をめぐる諸問題--特にフランス史学を中心にして (中世における土地所有者と権力形態(昭和44年度大会シンポジウム))
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