- 論文の詳細を見る
A student circle of Azabu University recycles used disposable chopsticks in a shopping street. The effects and problems of this activitiy were surveyed by qualitative research design. The conversation with student and clerks in recycling activity was recorded. The recorded data were transformed as protocols. Furthermore, an interview and questionnaire were carried out to complement qualitative data. The following effects of the activity was shown by the qualitative data (protocol data). 1) Activities have the possibility to spread out from around the store, because the surrounding people have interest in the activities. 2) Understanding of the clerks (cooperators) were deepened gradually. 3) Human relations were deepened through the recycling activitiy. 4) Clerks (cooperators) realize an economical advantage. Because of that, gratitude is shown. But, the following problems were shown. 1) It is necessary to re-examine the times when students visit stores to receive disposable chopsticks. 2) It is necessary to re-examine the intervals when students visit stores to receive disposable chopsticks. 3) It may be dangerous to depend on only personal relations to continue the activities for a long time. We think that qualitative research design is an effective methodology for evaluation and improvement of student's recycling activities.
- 麻布大学の論文
- 1G2-A3 ヒトクローン研究の容認度に関連する要因についての調査研究(科学教育の現代的課題(1),一般研究発表,転換期の科学教育:これからの科学的リテラシー)
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- 2G2-I2 理科教材としての漫画 : 意義・課題の明確化と活用効果の検証(教材開発II,一般研究発表,転換期の科学教育)
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