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Resulting from changes in the Nursing Care Law of 2006, preventative nursing care became a focus due to the increasing numbers of persons needing early stage nursing care. Nutrition has become one of the more important preventative nursing care approaches. The present study sought to investigate the orientations toward food service in nursing facilities for the elderly. Our focus was on how these facilities assessed eating and how information was shared. We found that 55% of the facilities we reviewed used an assessment sheet, and that 80% of this subgroup actively share the information between various care givers. Items such as nutrition, medical care and physical characteristics were more prevalent in the assessments, where as items relating to QOL, such as pleasure or satisfaction of eating, were lacking. There is a need for development of assessments that are based on QOL.
- 九州保健福祉大学の論文
山崎 きよ子
山崎 きよ子
石原 るみ子
石原 るみ子
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