- 論文の詳細を見る
Children's understanding of addition and subtraction problems was developmentally investigated by analyzing strategies used in addition and subtraction problems. One hundred sixty-seven first graders, one hundred sixty-four second graders, and one hundred thirty-four third graders were given addition and subtraction problems. They were classified into three groups according to the strategy they used to solve the problems: a correct response group (over 80 % correct responses), an incorrect strategy group that applied an incorrect strategy to more than two problems, and a group of others that could not be properly classified to the incorrect group. The results were as follows. Among first-year students, the correct response group scored over 80 % for both addition and subtraction problems. In second and third-year students, the correct response group scored 60 % and the incorrect strategy group scored over 20% for subtraction problems. The low proportion of correct response group for subtraction among second and third-graders was due to use of incorrect strategies. These results are discussed in terms of the decimal number system and the structure of numbers.
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