106.石炭液化油中のヘテロ化合物の溶剤抽出法 : 水-メタノール抽出プロセスの開発
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The separation of phenols from coal liquid is expected to contribute the reduction of upgrading cost, owing to the proceeds from recovered crude phenol and the reduction of hydrogen consumption in upgrading. For the purpose, a methanol-mediated extraction, which consisted of the extraction for heteroatom-containing compounds by methanol and water, neutral oil extraction by heptane, distillation for methanol recovery, extraction of phenols by toluene and washing the extracted oil by water, is investigated. According to the flow diagram, the material balance was calculated for a naphtha fraction of Tanito-Harum coal liquid, which contained about 19.6wt% of phenols and 6.8wt% of nitrogen-containing compounds. By this extraction under the standard condition (feed/methanol/water=1/1/1), it is expected to recover 84.4wt% of product oil, which phenol content was 6.4wt%, and 15.6wt% of crude phenol.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 1998-11-19
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