7 8-epi-fostriecinの合成と四置換不斉炭素の立体化学の生物活性への影響(口頭発表の部)
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Fostriecin is a potent antitumor agent, and it is suggested that its activity is attributed to the inhibition of the mitotic entry checkpoint through its highly selective serine/threonine phosphatase 2A (PP2A) inhibition. Because of its unique mechanism of tumor suppression, fostriecin is an ideal lead compound for antitumor drugs. We would like to present here the synthesis of fostriecin and 8-epi-fostriecin, evaluation of their biological activity, and conformational analysis by theoretical calculation to understand the difference of their biological behavior. It is four catalytic asymmetric reactions that feature our synthesis of fostriecin and 8-epi-fostriecin; cyanosilylation of ketone, allylation, direct aldol reaction and Noyori reduction. Especially two reactions developed in our laboratory played important roles. The cyanosilylation constructed the tetrasubstituted chiral center at C8. Both enantiomers could be obtained just by switching the center metals of the catalyst. Direct catalytic asymmetric aldol reaction using acetylene ketone as donor is a versatile reaction which can introduce synthetically useful alkyne moiety. In our synthesis the product alkynone was converted into cis-vinyl iodide, the substrate for the subsequent Stille coupling. By synthesizing 8-epi-fostriecin, we could show here the effectiveness of the strategy, constructing all of the stereocenters by catalytic asymmetric reactions. Just switching the enantioselectivity of catalysts makes it possible to synthesize stereoisomers of a natural product. Biological assay and conformational analysis of fostriecin and 8-epi-fostriecin are now proceeding. The assay is about the inhibitory activity against PP1 and PP2A. Because both of the methyl group and hydroxyl group at C8 are thought to be important for the biological activity, the assay's results of the two compounds might be very much different from each other. And conformational analysis was performed using NMR technique and theoretical calculations. The former revealed the environmental difference around C8 stereocenter and phosphate moiety. Conformation search by MM calculation implicated that coordination of hydroxyl group at C8 to the sodium cation of the phosphate might affect the environmental difference and therefore the biological activity. Now ab initio calculation is being conducted to optimize the geometry of the stable comformers.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2005-09-15
- 希土類金属錯体触媒の高次構造変化によるエナンチオ選択性の逆転現象
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- 希土類を基盤とする不斉触媒の創製と医薬合成への展開
- 「メタセシス」ノーベル化学賞を考える
- 奨励賞受賞 大嶋孝志氏の業績
- 長野哲雄氏の上原賞受賞を祝す
- 奨励賞受賞 金井 求氏の業績
- 反応の再現性"ゼロ"からの出発
- 今井一洋先生マドリッド・コンプルテンセ大学から名誉博士号を授与される
- ホルボール関連物質 : 合成と生物有機化学
- ホルボール : 化学合成と生物有機化学
- 多点制御型不斉触媒の創製と実践的有機合成への展開
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- シアノ基のエノンに対する触媒的不斉共役付加反応
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- 68 プロテインホスファターゼ阻害物質tautomycinの合成研究(ポスター発表の部)
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- パラジウム触媒によるケトンのα-アリール化反応
- 日本で開催される第2回世界薬学会議(PSWC 2004)を成功させるために
- 37 新規機能性ホルボールエステルの設計・合成および生物活性評価(口頭発表の部)
- 4 PMAのAdvanced Analogを指向する合成と、その生物活性評価(口頭発表の部)
- 29 四級炭素の触媒的不斉合成と医薬品、天然有機化合物合成への応用(口頭発表の部)
- 59 触媒的不斉C-C結合生成反応を基軸とする(+)-Vernolepinの全合成(ポスター発表の部)
- 40 タミフル^[○!R]の触媒的不斉合成研究(口頭発表の部)
- 7 8-epi-fostriecinの合成と四置換不斉炭素の立体化学の生物活性への影響(口頭発表の部)
- 63(P-41) ホストリエシンの触媒的不斉全合成(ポスター発表の部)
- 50 ジルコノセンによる還元的環化反応を用いたDendrobineの全合成(口頭発表の部)
- Merck-Banyu Lectureship Award 受賞講演ツアー
- 希土類含有不斉触媒を活用する新規不斉反応の開発
- 薬学会賞受賞 西沢麦夫氏の業績
- 奨励賞受賞 池谷裕二氏の業績
- 薬学会賞受賞 嶋田一夫氏の業績
- 四置換炭素の触媒的不斉構築法の開発と展開 (特集 医薬品開発における新しいプロセス技術)
- インフルエンザパンデミックに備える : 科学者の使命
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- 抗インフルエンザ薬タミフルの合成
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