47 クレロダン型ジテルペンの合成研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
In a continuation of our synthetic studies on clerodane diterpenoids, we have developed a general and versatile method for their syntheses. Its utility is demonstrated by the total syntheses of both cis and trans clerodane diterpenes, and by the contribution to the structure of cascarillone, a constituent of Cascarille oil. 1. Basic Strategy. The basic strategy rests on the conjugate addition of one carbon synthons to Δ^4-octal-3-one derivatives 2, which would afford cis or trans clerodane skeleton by appropriate choice of the reagents and conditions. (Scheme 1) 2. Synthesis of 15,16-Epoxy-cis-cleroda-3,13(16),14-triene 5. Conjugate addition of Me_2CuLi to octalone derivative 2a followed by trapping of the resulting enolate with HCHO gave a hydroxyketone 6, which was converted to the title natural product 5 by seven steps. (Scheme 2) 3. Syntheses of Maingayic Acid 19 and Annonene 20. Hydrocyanation of octalone intermediate 2b with Et_2AlCN gave stereospecifically a trans product 21, from which the total synthesis of maingayic acid, a piscicidal plant constituent, was accomplished by eleven steps via an aldehyde 33. Since 33 has been converted to annonene 20, our work constitutes also the formal synthesis of 20. (Scheme 3) 4. Structure Studies of Cascarillone. A cis-clerodane structure 34 was assigned to cascarillone solely on the basis of spectroscopic speculation. Our synthetic product 41 prepared starting from 7 has turned out to be not identical with cascarillone. Therefore the trans structure 42 is more likely for it and the confirmation of this proposal by synthesis is on progress.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1983-09-15
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- 3.スクレリンの化学構造
- 25 分解リモノイドの合成的研究
- 33 二,三の菌類代謝物生合成の^C-NMR法による研究
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- 57 クロチルシランの共役付加反応を利用した環外立体制御と天然有機化合物の立体選択的合成(ポスター発表の部)
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- 49 クレロダン型ジテルペンの合成研究 : 環化反応における多重立体制御を利用したシスクレロダン型ジテルペンの短段階立体特異的合成
- 19 クレロダン型ジテルペンの合成研究 : (-)-kolavenic acidの不斉合成とagelasin類の合成
- 47 クレロダン型ジテルペンの合成研究
- 71 Clerodane型ジテルペンの合成研究
- 27.天然フラン化合物に関する研究Obacunone構造について
- テルペノイド成分と植物系統進化
- 20 抗腫瘍性物貭バーノレピン及び関連化合物の合成研究
- クレロダンジテルペノイドの合成研究-天然物合成における立体制御の事例
- 天然有機化学合成の最近の動向
- P-73 プルヌスタチンAの合成研究(ポスター発表の部)