Can young infants understand when another's attentional gaze is directed towards the same object that they were looking at? : Preliminary analyses
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This paper addresses the understanding that young infants have of another person's direction of gaze in the context of the development of joint attention. Twenty infants with a mean age of 10 months were studied using a preferential looking paradigm. This paradigm comprised two schematic faces, in which one of the faces looked at the infant and the other face looked either towards or away from the object to which the infants were initially introduced. The results indicated that infants preferred to look at the faces that either looked at them or looked at the object of common interest. The infants looked less at the face with eyes averted from both themselves and the object. This result suggests that these young infants have started to participate in joint attentional episodes.
- 大阪樟蔭女子大学の論文
- 2008-01-31
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