オルテガ歴史的理性の展開 : -生・理性と歴史的理性-
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The spanish philosopher, J.Ortega y Gasset is very famous as one that advocated thephilosophy of vital reason, and later that of historical reason. His accomplishment, therefore,seems to cast us a new issue of the relationship between vital reason and historical one.First of all in this paper, I try to follow the development of Ortega's thought from vitalreason to historical one: his youth, the first stage of his zenith, the second stage of his zenithand his exile, according to Gaos's opinion. Then, I study contents of historical sense, vitalreason and historical reason. Ortega's historical sense relates to his perspectivism and hisunderstanding of others. His vital reason has many features of drama, problem, beliefs,occurrence, present participle, lacking being, self-formation, self-determination, self-cause,vital program, compulsory freedom, non-Eleatic being, unlimited possibility, inconsistentbeing, entity (substance) of changing, and God of ocasion, etc. Evolving from this vitalreason, the characteristics of his historical reason led to experiences of life,pubic opinionsor customs, going on being, living being, talking or narrating, happenings, vital program,dialectic continuity of experiences, real dialectic, human possession of not nature but history,progressive accumulation of beings, history as sistem, system of human experiences, and thepast as my human life, etc. From Ortega's point of view, the only thing human beingspossess and rely on is the past or history. Therefore we should use historical reason inorder to live our lives in our circumstances.
- 近畿医療福祉大学の論文
- 2007-12-15
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