オルテガ遠近法主義 : -理性主義と相対主義の統合に向けて-
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In this paper, I study the content of perspectivism in the philosophy of J. Ortega yGasset. Perspectivism is Ortega's theory of knowledge that unifies rationalism andrelativism in the past western philosophical thoughts. As for the perspectivism, Ortegapresents the three articles, "Truth and Perspective" in "The Spectator-1"(1916), "TheDoctrine of Point of View" in "Modern Theme"(1923) and "The Historical Significanceof the Theory Einstein" as the appendix of "Modern Theme"(1923). At first, in"Truth and Perpective", Ortega annouces the outline of perspectivism. Next, in "TheDoctrine of Point of View", he wholly explains this principle criticizing both rationalismand relativism and combining this with that. Because rationalism tries to preserveculture only to deny all significance to life, and relativism, on the contrary, gets rid ofthe objective value of culture altogether in order to leave room for life. And moreover,in "The Historical Significance of the Theory of Einstein", four characteristics ofEinstein's theory, that is, absolutism, perspectivism, aniti-utopianism or anti-rationalismand finitism are presented for the justication of historical situations where theperspectivism emerges at the present day.
- 2005-12-15
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