民主主義への変遷期における地方政党 : -現代スペインにおける地方諸党の一研究-
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This paper deals with the political process of the regional parties in the transition to thedemocracy in Spain. The politics in Spain has been shaked between two opposite traditions:acentralistic tradition and a liberal-democratic and pluralistic tradition. In modern times, whenthe democratic tradition has prevailed, power to the autonomy arises greatly. Under the article151 of the Constitution in contemporary Spain, four regions, Andalusia, Galicia, Catalonia, andthe Basque Country have their own rights to the autonomy. This nationalistic and autonomousorganization and the economic growth have very deep relationships each other. In Catalonia andthe Basque Country, which have got the greatest economic power in all of Spain, regionalisticand nationalistic parties performed their independent influences. But in Andalusia and Galicia,relatively poor regions in Spain, autonomous conditions were strictly cotrolled. At any rate inthe future, Spain, which is delicately balanced between centralistic and federalistic powers, shallbe confronted with the matter of nation-integration.
- 近畿医療福祉大学の論文
- 2000-12-12
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