スペインにおける民主主義への変遷 : -政党の戦略・政策と選挙民の選択-
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In this paper, I analize the political process of transition to the democracy in Spain more in detail than in my book, From Dictatorship to Democracy - Spain and Japan - (1999). I try to examine political reality of the transitional process to the democracy, by considering the policies and disputes among the political parties and analizing the results of elections in this process. As I offered in above-mentioned book, I devide this process into four periods:the period to December of 1973, the period from January of 1974 to July of 1976, the period from July of 1976 to 1979 and the period from March of 1979. In the first period, the authoritarian strategy from above by Franco regime was executed on liiegal oppositions. But this period was ended by the assassination of L. Carrero Blanco. In the second period, C. Arias Navarro did the strategy of confrontation against democratic insistence of the labor movements and oppositions, but failed between the attack from the right and the refusal from the democratic oppositions. The third period is characterized with the strategies of consensus adopted by Adolfo Suarez. He took the policy of consent to both the arms, the conservative right and the parties of democratic opposition, and got the success of democratic transition. He could also execute the strategy of consensus to from UCD as a consociational party and to deal with the parties of AP, PSOE and PCE etc. In the fourth period the democratic system was established, but the strategy of confrontation between the ruling party and the opposition parties appeared again.
- 近畿医療福祉大学の論文
- 2001-12-15
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