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Positive emotional activities such as mirthful laughter have recently been suggested as modifiers of neuroendocrine hormones involved in the classical stress response. In other words, spontaneous laughter is suggested to contribute to physiological and psychological health. For example, Berk et al. (1989a,b) reported the relationship between natural killer cell activity and laughter. They also reported that the mirthful laughter experience appears to reduce serum levels of cortisol, dopac, epinephrine, and growth hormone. These biochemical changes have implications for the reversal of the neuroendocrine and classical stress hormone response. This study investigated the effects of spontaneous laughter on autonomic nervous response to a humorous video. Thirty students were classified randomly divided into a laughing group who watched the DVD and laughed spontaneously(n = 15) or a control group who watched the blue screen of a monitor(n = 15).During all experimental sessions, electrodermal activity(EDA), heart rate(HR), and skin temperature(ST) were measured. Results revealed no changes in the autonomic nervous responses in the control group. In the laughing group, however, sympathetic reactivity accelerated significantly in the experimental session and then decreased significantly in the recovery session. Thus, spontaneous laughter indicated the effects of relaxation. Results of the Profile of Mood States(POMS) revealed no changes in emotions in the control group after the experimental session but did reveal a decrease in negative emotions and increase in positive emotion were recognized in the laughing group. Detailed studies of other autonomic nervous responses, and baroreflex sensitivity in particular, must be conducted in the future.
- 2007-12-20
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