- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, the author proposes a new autopilot which can evaluate as closely as the helmsman's reaction by using the fuzzy controller which can simulate the control action of the helmsman. Although there are some papers about fuzzy autopilot by other researchers, the author proposes a new fuzzy controller which has the following features: (i) From both the interview with the expert helmsman and the consideration for the manoeuvring data of helmsman, the IF〜THEN rules of the fuzzy controller are defined. The membership function of the front condition is the shape of the triangle, and the function of the back condition is the singleton. The MIN-MAX Gravity Method is used in deciding the order of the manipulating value. (ii) Although the way of deciding the parameters has been vague in the past, by taking the real ship's manoeuvring data of the expert helmsman using the Conjugate Gradient Method, carrying out the parameter tuning becomes possible. Moreover, (iii) When the ship's mathematical model is able to linearize during course keeping, the use of the fuzzy controller is terminated, and the self-tuning PID controller, proposed by the authors in the past, is used instead. This proposed controller has the capability of overcoming the bad effect caused by the mismatch of the construction for the mathematical model. Lastly, to confirm the high availability, the digital simulation, which is similar to real ship's motion, and the experiments using a real ship are implemented.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1991-09-25
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