デジタルトレーステスト法を用いた上肢協調性の検討 : 年齢・利き手・描画方法による相違について
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Evaluation of motor coordination is carried out in the rehabilitation scene at the clinical site. However, most of the conventional evaluation methods are too subjective, or rather most are insufficiently elaborate to trace the target of diachronic change. Thus, we attempted evaluation of upper extremity motor coordination utilizing an originally developed ‘Digital trace method' on 65 persons of physically unimpaired status, ages 8 to 90. In this experiment, four types of measurement were tried for both the dominant and non-dominant hand for the large and small circle, and factors of age, sex and handedness were analyzed. As a result, the trace error of the dominant hand decreased significantly compared with that of the non-dominant hand. A change in the error value of the small circle was hardly observed in the dominant hand. However, it was admitted that the error value of the large circle was significantly smaller in the non-dominant hand. Observing this when separated by age, it was found that the error at trace testing indicated a drastic decrease from childhood period to adult age. In constant, it indicated a gradual increase from the thirties. From these observations, it was found that variations in motor coordination depend on age and thus have a bearing on the use status of the dominant hand and the non-dominant hand. Operability of the dominant hand and the supplement role of the non-dominant hand are considered to be affected by such conditions.
- 2003-03-31
村上 恒二
村上 恒二
櫛田 直規
村上 恒二
藤原 奈緒子
櫛田 直規
大島商船高等専門学校 情報工学科
村上 恒二
櫛田 直規
櫛田 直規
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