数学の基礎学力と経済学理解度との関係について(1) : 『経済学基礎理論A』の成績データを用いた実証分析
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The aims of this study are to investigate the relationship between the level of scholastic achievement in mathematics that undergraduate students at our university have and their understanding of the principles of economics. Because many economic analyses are accompanied by mathematical techniques, undergraduate students of economics require basic mathematical skills in order to understand the principles of economics. Thus, one prediction concerning students' achievements in economics is that the higher their level of scholastic achievement in mathematics, the greater their marks become. In this study, I used samples of 139 students in my lecture "Keizaigaku Kisoriron-A" from the Fall 2005 term to the Spring 2007 term. The empirical findings are as follows: First, in my lecture, I found strong support for a relationship between scholastic achievement in mathematics and that of economics. Second, I found that students' attendance has more than twice as strong an effect on their marks as their mathematical skills.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 2007-12-18
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