熱帯アジアにおける大豆栽培研究・開発 : バングラデシュの農業環境と新作目の普及
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The main emphasis of this study is on a research and developmental approach with regards to the promotion of soybean cultivation, as a new crop, under the tropical environment in Bangladesh. The vast majority of people have chronic deficiency of protein and other nutrients. Soybeans, being a high protein crop, can play a significant role in meeting people's nutrient deficiencies. In 1972 Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) began research and development activities on soybeans. In 1975 the Bangladesh Coordinated Soybean Research Project (BCSRP) began research on soybeans. Much research has been done which resulted in the release of Bragg and Davis varieties from America for extension. However their performance is mediocre and seed viability is a problem. MCC continued the research and extension work on soybeans in Noakhali and Comilla districts as a Rabi crop (dry season). The research concentrated on the seed production and storage problems. In 1981 MCC began a seed multiplication program in Chuadanga district where seed is multiplied in the Kharif (rainy season) and harvested in October and November. In this season very high quality seed can be produced. It is still felt that the released varieties, Bragg and Davis, are poorly adapted to multiplication in this season. The Indian variety Punjab 1(Pb-1), grown widely in India and Sri Lanka, has been identified to have seed quality for superior to the both varieties. This variety greatly increases the scope for soybean production in both seasons. Since the inception of its soybean activities, MCC has garnered much experience in dealing with the implementation in order to: 1) Improve the reliability of good quality seed supplies: 2) Improve the adoption of good agronomic practices: 3) Increase local awareness of the crop, and of its consumption: 4 ) Involve other agencies and institutions in the project.
- 恵泉女学園大学の論文
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