フィリピンにおける小農の畜産開発に関する研究 : 中期農業開発計画 : 1993-1998の展望
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The main purpose of the research is concerning the government policies, developmental approach and international collaboration regarding the improvement of the livestock farm management and the production efficiency of the small scale farmers in Philippines. The Philippines consists of over 7,000 islands and has a population of 71.9 million people. The country is divided into 14 regions and the National Capital Region (NCR) which are made up of provinces. Agriculture is an important part of the Philippines economy, about half the labore force is engaging in agriculture and contributes 21% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) . Under existing tenual system, the majority of the economic participants in the agriculture sector are small scale farmers. They produce many forms of croplivestock integration which vary according to different socioeconomic needs. Livestock plays the important role in small farming in the rural area. Such as cattle, buffalo, swein, poultry, goat and sheep are taking major component of the production. There are two major classifications to the livestock raising in Philippines. Extensive livestock production system or traditional village systems are raised in small scale farmers as the integral part of crop production based on the low input system. Intensive livestock production such as broiler, layer, pig and dairy farms are raised in commercial farms. These farms usually raise highly productive breeds with good quality feed, management and animal health care. They are almost situated near the National Capital Region - Metroporitant Manila. Under the Medium - Term Development Plan (1993-1998), as a component in agriculture, livestock sector aims to increase farmers income and improve their standard of living. The national policy emphasises on the Key Livestock Development Areas (KLDA) which are selected based on the following criteria : Climate and topography are favorable for livestock raising; Major feed ingredient requirements like corn, rice bran, etc. are available; The animal disease situation is manageable and preferably, the Regional or Provincial Development Plan has identified livestock as a priority program. The program seeks to lay the foundation for a productive, efficient, economic and sustainable livestock and poultry industry. It will have achieved the following targets by 1998 : Increased population of cattle at 3.0 million; Stabilized population of carabao at 2.5 million ; Increased population of hogs at 10.8 million and chicken at more than 100 million. In the small scale farmers, the livestock farming is characterized by relatively low production because of the climatic disease, breeding, feeding and managerial factors. Effective livestock production is a complex task involving many independent components. Genetic improvement, nutrition management, product processing marketing, extension, credit and other support services should relate to livestock development policy, thus farmers can have better management and improvement. For the above issues, the Agricultural Development Plan is implimenting the integrated approach with relevant agencies to the KLDA.
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