- 論文の詳細を見る
The main of this research project is on government policies and developmental approaches with regard to livestock promotion under the diversification of agricultural production in Bangladesh. Agriculture is an important part of the Bangladesh economy, with about 65% of the labor force engaged in agriculture, which accounts for 32% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Recently, the governmental role in agricultural development has needed to be adjusted toward alternatives in production, such as livestock, horticulture, fishery, etc. Among these, the livestock sector will play an increasingly important role in the Bangladesh economy since it can 1) provide a steady income to farmers, 2) provide more employment opportunities, and 3) increase the amount of animal protein for human consumption. Under the existing land-tenure system, the majority of economic participants in the agricultural sector are small scale farmers. They produce many forms of crop-livestock integration which vary according to differing socio-economic needs. For small-scale farmers, livestock farming is characterized by relatively low production rates because of factors such as climatic disease, breeding, feeding, and management. Effective livestock production is a complex task involving many independent components. Genetic improvement, nutrition management, product processing, marketing, extension, credit and other support services should be considered as part of a comprehensive livestock development policy, leading to better management and improvements for farmers. In regards to the above issues, the Department of Livestock Services (DLS) has implemented an integrated approach, the Small Holder Livestock Development Project, involving relevant agencies such as banks, NGO's, and as well as international cooperation, in order to promote increased and better livestock production.
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