タイ国における環境保全型農業研究・開発 : 園芸振興への総合病害虫の展開(IPM)の展開
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The main focus of this research concerns government policies and developmental approaches as regards the research and development of enviromentally sound agriculture in Thailand. Recently, some crops have experienced production problems in areas such as the costs of production and competitiveness for exportation. The governmental role in agricultural development needs to be adjusted toward alternative production, such as horticulture, livestock, fishery, etc. Among these, the horticultural sector will play an increasingly important role due to the needs of a growing population, changing of food habits, ornamentation and exportation. However, the intensive production of horticulture continues to rely on an increasing, indiscriminate, and inappropriate use of pesticides for plant protection. The misuse of pesticides has contaminated the enveronment, and presents a health hazerd to farmers, their families, and consumers. After a consideration of these issues, and with international cooperation, Thailand has placed an emphasis on a reduction in the use of pesticides for plant protection in rice and crop production. Since the development of the 6th Economic and Social Development Plan (1987/91), under the direction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC), the Department of Agricultural Extension (DOAE) has implemented an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program with relevent agencies, in order to promote safe products in horticulture.
- 恵泉女学園園芸短期大学の論文
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