- 論文の詳細を見る
Purpose of this research is to explore how pachinko is experienced in its current form by university athletes who acknowledge themselves as pachinko enthusiasts. The research was conducted as follows : The instruments were Experience Sampling Method (ESM) and questionnaire ; the time period was April in 2004 ; participants were 19 male university athletes who acknowledge themselves as pachinko enthusiasts. Signals for ESM were sent eight times a day from 7a.m. to 11p.m. for seven consecutive days. The mean of their ages was 20.4 years old, and they belonged to university sports teams, such as American football team, swim team, or rugby football team. Responses to the signals were 941 out of 1,064 times (88.4%). Through the research, three findings are particularly noteworthy : 1) Enthusiasts spend big money, time and concentration on pachinko. Half of the participants in this study have borrowed money and neglected responsibilities to play pachinko. During the experience, they chose to do pachinko for its own sake, did it intensely, and wanted to continue it. 2) Because they become so absorbed in pachinko, the everyday experiences of enthusiasts become relatively narrow and monotonous. Despite their enthusiasm, the pachinko players' moods were not always more positive while playing than during other activities. 3) Though enthusiasts indicated that they play pachinko as a diversionary activity, their actual behavior shows signs of addiction. Since many enthusiasts expressed the desire to reduce the number of times they play pachinko or quit entirely, these enthusiasts may realize the addictive gambling nature of pachinko. 1) Tokai University, Department of Sport & Leisure Management 2) Japan Sports Association 3) Tokai University, Department of Sport & Leisure Management
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西野 仁
西野 仁
吉原 さちえ
遠藤 晃弘
吉原 さちえ
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