欲求からみた高齢者のレクリエーション活動の継続理由について : ゲートボールプレイヤーが自覚する継続理由より
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This paper focuses on clarifying the psychological reason why elderly people continue to pursue recreational activities. The interest, then, is on the psychological effect of recreation participation. This paper's main objective is to test the following two hypothesis. Hypothesis 1 Participation is based on satisfying needs according to Maslow's hierachy : physical safety, belonging, association, acceptance, recognition, prestige, reputation, confidence and self-actualization. Hypothesis 2 According to the differences in the participant social environment and play experience, the conscious level of their needs differ. The procedure included the following steps. *A main questionaire was constructed from 43 items, and in addition to this, plus a face sheet asking personal information such as sex, age and some social environmental information such as family size, family member, and employment. These 42 items were taken from the works of Nishino, Shimoyama and Konno (1985). Subjects rated the importance of the items to their participation in gateball on a 5 point scale with "very important" and "not important" serving as the end points. *The 200 samples were drawn from the elderly gateball players at 5 different localities, Odawara, Hiratsuka, Sagamihara in Kanagawa pref. as suburban areas, Toshima Ward in Tokyo as an urban area and Muikamachi in Niigata pref. as a rural area. *The data was analyzed by a UNIVAC computer at Tokai Univ. with BMDP and AMAS. The analysis showed some interesting facts as following. 1) The high scored items were "To keep healthy" "To develop close friend ship", "To keep physically fit" "To keep in touch with everyday life without "boke", "To fulfill the obligation of the group in which I am member" "To gain a feeling of having a good time" "To be able to play throughout my life". 2) The scores were influenced by the difference of sex and age, social environment and period and frequency of play experience of subjects. The analysis of data seems to support the hypothesis that participation in recreational activities, in this case gateball, satisfies all the needs defined in Maslow's hierarchy, except that of self-actualization. In order to strengthen the validity of the study, we wish to continue the research.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1987-03-30
高橋 和敏
高橋 和敏
西野 仁
西野 仁
西野 仁
三宅 基子
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