定置漁具のレーダー映像について-II : シイラづけ探知障害についての考察(日本航海学会第35回講演会)
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The previous paper of this series had revealed that the marine radar had small target but was available for detection of the dolphin bamboo shelter under the ordinary meteorological and oceanographic conditions. But the navigator should be aware of the critical conditions of the radar to pick up the target. This is due to the following possibility: They are frequently obliged to detect even small objects such as small fishing craft and floating part or marker of the fishing gears settled. These will usually have the target of small equivalent echoing area, consequently give fluctuating echo weaker than the rain or sea clutter echos. The above-mentioned facts meant that it is hard to neglect of the possibility of mis-detecting the small objects in these obstructive clutters. In addition, the detection range of target will suffer considerably from the reduction of the projected area of the target or the effect of the shadow sector due to the ships structure. The present paper dealt with the radar detection of the dolphin bamboo shelter in relation to either the relative direction of the shelter or the obstruction due to rain and sea clutters or to shadow sector.
- 1967-01-25
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