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Three special lectures were given at the 2007 Spring Assembly of Japanese Geomorphological Union that was held in Uji campus of Kyoto University. Dr. Saito gave a talk about the formation of mega deltas in East and Southeast Asia relating them to Holocene sea-level changes. He gave an alert on their recent trend of collapse due to various anthropogenic causes. Prof. Maeda gave a talk about the detail in the history of Jyomon Transgression, making a review of study results of various researchers as well as the numerous results from his own field studies in the Philippines. He also indicated that the effects of hydro-isostasy were detectable in the history of regional sea-level change. Prof. Masuda gave a talk about his intention of dynamic and precise analysis of depositional strata with an error about 100 years for the study on the formation processes of various types of alluvium. He indicated that the analyses have been executed with the High Precision Stratigraphy that has been contrived and refined from Sequential Stratigraphy. The following articles were written and peer reviewed after the presentation of these lectures at the assembly.
- 日本地形学連合の論文
- 2007-10-25
- 巡検報告(その1):第7回国際地形学会議 : プレ巡検「ニュージーランド南島プレート境界の地形」参加報告(第7回国際地形学会議(メルボルン大会)報告,ひろば)
- O13.丹波帯山地で起きた落石の特徴(一般研究発表(口頭発表),2008年度秋季研究発表会)
- 南海地震対策の現状と課題 : 防災は総力戦
- フィリピン・レイテ島で2006年2月17日に起きた地すべり災害
- 21.台風0410号豪雨により徳島県那賀町阿津江で発生した岩屑なだれ末端部の流動パターン推定(一般研究発表会(口頭発表),2007年度春季研究発表会)
- 十津川流域の侵食と流砂 (総特集 流域・河口海岸系における物質輸送と環境・防災)
- P9.荒砥沢ダム周辺で発生した地すべり現象から地震地すべり後の地形変化を予測する(一般研究発表(ポスター発表),2009年度秋季研究発表会)
- 11. 道路際斜面崩壊過程の復元(一般研究発表会(口頭発表),2006年度春季研究発表会)
- 第6回国際地形学会議Council Meeting報告(第6回国際地形学会議(スペイン大会)報告, ひろば)
- 11.十津川流域の侵食と流砂(一般研究発表)(口頭発表)(2004年度春季研究発表会)