- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, the Kon-ton bun-pan zu-setu by SIZUKI Tadao that is well known as the original theory for the formation of solar system in Japan at the 18th century is discussed in detail. Firstly the analogy with the nebular hypothesis by Kant is pointed out. Although Shizuki applies a few principle of the Newton mechanics, the Kon-ton bun-pan zu-setu is characterized as natural philosopy because it is rooted in the "ch'i" that is a traditional cosept in the Oriental philosophy. By comparison of the cosmology by HON tae-yong who was a practical sciensist in Korea with the cosmology by Shizuki the stage of oriental cosmology in the 18th century is indicated.
- 日本科学史学会の論文
- 2000-06-28
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