Factors Affecting the Gait Ability of the Home-bound Stroke Patients
古井 透
古井 透
古井 透
古井 透
Ikeda Tohru
Kobe School Of Allied Medical Sciences
Shimada Tomoaki
School of Allied Medical Sciences, Kobe University
Takemasa Seiichi
School of Allied Medical Sciences, Kobe University
Shimada Tomoaki
Faculty Of Health Sciences Kobe University School Of Medicine
Matsumoto Mari
Kumano Town Office
Furui Tohru
Kumano Town Office
Ishikawa Tsukasa
Saiseikai Hyogo Prefectural Hospital
Kawanami Yasuhiro
Nishi-Nihon Hospital
Hidaka Masami
Shisoh County Hospital
Suenaga Hidefumi
Chuzan Hospital
Shimada Tomoaki
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University Maikodai Hospital
Hidaka Masami
Faculty Of Health Sciences Kobe University School Of Medicine
Shimada Tomoaki
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University
Takemasa Seiichi
Faculty Of Health Sciences Kobe University School Of Medicine
Takemasa Seiichi
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University
Takemasa Seiichi
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University Maikodai Hospital
Kawanami Yasuhiro
Nishinippon Hospital
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