Effects of Hip Flexion Contracture on Posture and Gait Patterns
Shimada Tomoaki
School of Allied Medical Sciences, Kobe University
Takemasa Seiichi
School of Allied Medical Sciences, Kobe University
Kohbu Yoshihide
School of Allied Medical Sciences, Kobe University
Shimada Tomoaki
Faculty Of Health Sciences Kobe University School Of Medicine
Okiyama Tsutomu
Kobe Rehabilitation Hospital
Shimada Tomoaki
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University Maikodai Hospital
Miyamoto Mami
Takebe Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Clinic
Hirayama Atsuko
Takebe Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Clinic
Miyamoto Mami
Takebe Orthopedic Clinic And Rehabilitation Hospital
Hirayama Atsuko
Takebe Orthopedic Clinic And Rehabilitation Hospital
Kataoka Seiji
Ono Municipal Hospital
Shimada Tomoaki
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University
Kawata Kyoko
Ono Municipal Hospital
Sengoku Takahime
Takebe Orthopedic Clinic and Rehabilitation Hospital
Saegusa Hideaki
Hokuto Hospital
Takemasa Seiichi
Faculty Of Health Sciences Kobe University School Of Medicine
Takemasa Seiichi
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University
Takemasa Seiichi
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University Maikodai Hospital
Kohbu Yoshihide
School Of Allied Medical Sciences Kobe University
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