- 論文の詳細を見る
I started to utilize the two web-based learning systems in order to enhance the students' motivation for learning English at the beginning of the second semester of the last school year. One is an e-Learning management system called Blackboard, which was officially introduced into Numazu College of Technology. This system provides students with browser-based learning environment and enables students to access to study materials and resources. The other is an online vocabulary building software called COCET 3300, which was initially developed by the members of COCET (the Council of College English Teachers) and further refined by National Institute of Multimedia Education. The main part of this paper is a report on the practical use of these web-based learning systems. Then I will describe some features of another web-learning system, which was set along with the new CALL system in the multimedia room.
- 沼津工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2007-01-31
- 工業英検を導入した授業の効果の検証
- 1、2年生への英語運用能力テスト導入について
- マルチメディア教室の使用状況報告
- 工業英検を活用した工業英語の授業への導入
- 1-106 沼津高専における外部英語試験活用の模索 : 高専におけるTOEIC IP実施状況をふまえて((3)コミュニケーションスキル教育-II,口頭発表論文)
- 英語小テストの効果の検証
- 「英語運用能力テスト」の効果についての報告
- 沼津高専で求められる英語教育について
- 校内スピーチコンテストについての実践報告
- e-Learningシステムを活用した英語学習の実践