地域健康教育の展開の仕方について その1-千葉県S 町の3 年間における保健事業のマネジメントサイクルに基づく評価-
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine the development of community health education by focusing on the management cycle (Plan- Do-See). The results were as follows: 1) In the ``Plan'' of community health education, it will be important in the future to plan health education which is tailored to the needs of the individual. This also means that health education should be implemented not only for people who are in bad health, but also for people who are healthy. 2) In the ``Do'' of community health education, it was important to meet three needs of general public,social and administration, and health science in selecting the learning subjects of health education. It was essential for a successful practice to build up a closer connection with health educators, experts,administrators and local residents. Regarding the place for health education, it was important to let people acknowledge efforts of health education through local activity groups which are held regularly in the community. The effective timing for carrying out health education would be on occasions when people are most likely to consider their health, such as before and after undergoing a basic health examination. In order to let people achieve the level of behavior change, it was necessary to plan more than three times of learning occasions so as to complete one subject of learning. In the teaching and learning process, the actual improvement of individual lifestyle should be emphasized more than mere instruction and explanation of knowledge. 3) In the ``See'' of community health education, the evaluation of health education should be done at the three stages in the management cycle (Plan- Do-See).
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