- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to examine how to use the foods model as teaching and learning materials for forming university students' abilities for being able to select and ingest well-balanced foods through a nutrition education Program. The participants to the program were 230 students of the 2nd year of the school of Health and Sports science (168 male students and 62 female students) and the assigned time was 40 minutes. In this program, ``foods model'' and a balancing check sheet of foods were used. We named these the ``foods model'' as teaching and learning materials. The ``foods model'' is the list of the recommendable food and their weights for ingestion. The check sheet is work sheet for evaluating food intake by themselves. The process of the program were consisted of 4 parts: (a) Each student first chooses foodstuffs needed for his/her own energy supply, (b) He/she, then, compares the weight of each foodstuff chosen and that of the similar foodstuff in the ``foods model'', and (c) He/she filled the result of (b) in the work sheet and evaluated their balance of foods. (d) Finally, he/she will make a short report on the impression of the foodstuffs. The result of the program was as follows: 1. In their short reports concerning the program, the students showed the interests in this attempt and pointed out how the food selection is important and must be improved in the future. 2. Using the ``foods model'' as teaching and learning materials for nutrition education of university students was considered to be useful and effective. It was also expected that more students would positively participate in the program in the future. As a result of the program, we found that the nutrition education by using the ``foods model'' as teaching and learning materials was very useful and effective for forming university students' ability for selecting well balanced foodstuffs.
- 順天堂大学の論文
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