新しい基礎看護学実習への試み : パートナーシップ及びエンパワメント
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The health care sysytem is under a drastic change as the health needs of the populationchage and WHO emphasizes the establishment of primary health care to realize health for all. It is clear that the nursing students have to learn primary health care roles, and should be able to de-liver a nursing care collaborating with community and the multiprofessional health care team members upon their graduation. Deapite of the establishment of nursing education in an higher educational system with a new curricurum, the education for nursing practice still start at an hospital in which students are not able to aquire the essential knowledge and skill needed in community-based practice. . In Kochi Medical School, Depatment of Nursing implemented the first nursing practice for one week in April, 99 having aimed to learn partnership and empowerment collaborating with the community (H kindergarden and K school for elderly). The students and community were benefitted from the program. We are already con firmed by the community to conduct the school program for next year.
- 高知大学の論文
- 1999-12-10
高野 順子
尾原 喜美子
軸丸 清子
藤田 晶子
藤田 晶子
軸丸 清子
高知大学 医学部看護学科
軸丸 清子
尾原 喜美子
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