Experimental and Theoretical Studies of NMR in PrFe_4P_<12> : Suggestion of Antiferro-monopole Type Ordering(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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Experiments on the NMR signal splitting of ^<31>P are reported for the low temperature phase of PrFe_4P_<12>, whose nature has been controversial. The observed NMR signal splitting is consistent with the field-induced antiferromagnetic moment observed by the neutron diffraction. For a theoretical analysis an invariant coupling form is first derived for the hyperfine interaction between multipolar moments and the nuclear spin in the filled skutterudite structure, and then the experimental results are analyzed. Two scenarios for the order parameter are examined: One is a Γ_3-type antiferro-quadrupolar (AFQ) ordering. Another is an antiferro-monopole (AF-monopole) type ordering. Experimental facts, especially the field-direction dependence in the (110) plane, are most naturally explained by the latter model, suggesting the AF-monopole ordering. Both the field-direction dependence and the field-strength dependence of the NMR splitting can be consistently accounted for if low order terms in the magnetic field are taken into account. This supports applicability of expansion regarding the magnetic field based on the AF-monopole model. Experiments can be also qualitatively reproduced by the AFQ model when the field is not near the [111] direction. It is very likely that the order parameter in PrFe_4P_<12> is the AF-monopole, although we cannot completely rule out a possibility of the Γ_3-type AFQ order at present.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2007-02-15
酒井 治
SATO Hideyuki
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
椎名 亮輔
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
SHIINA Ryousuke
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
SHIBA Hiroyuki
The Institute of Pure and Applied Physics
斯波 弘行
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Shiina Ryousuke
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Takigawa Masashi
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Shina Ryousuke
Max-planck-institut Fur Chemische Rhysik Fester Stoffe:department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Tech
Sakai Osamu
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Sakai Osamu
Fukushima Museum
斯波 弘行
SHIBA Hiroyuki
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Shiba Haruya
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokushi
Shiba Hiroyuki
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technologt
Takigawa Masashi
Institute For Solid State Physics Iniversity Of Tokyo
Shiina Ryousuke
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Sugawara Hitoshi
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Science University Of Tokushima:graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metr
Shiozawa Hidetsugu
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Sakurai Hiroya
Superconducting Materials Center National Institute For Materials Science (smc/nims)
Sakai Osamu
Department Of Electronic Science And Engineering Kyoto University
Kikuchi Jun
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo:(present Address)department Of Physics Meiji U
Sasaki O
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
Sakata H
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sato Hideyuki
Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kikuchi Jun
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Sato Hideyuki
Department Of Cardiology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shiba Hiroyuki
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Sakai Osamu
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Sato Hideyuki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Sugawara Hitoshi
Tokushima Univ. Tokushima
Takigawa Masashi
Jst Tokyo
Shina Ryosuke
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima
Sugawara Hitoshi
Department of General Internal Medicine, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University
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