<研究報告>伊豆半島におけるベニシダの分布, 生育地および形質の変化について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The lzu Peninsula is the type locality of Dryopteris erythrosora. In this region, 86 specimens of this species were collected from 68 areas for description; discussion of distribution, habitat, condition, character variation; and examination of reproductive type. Distribution map is shown. The habitat areas lie between 5 and 680 m above sea level, on the floor of an artificial forest of Cryptomeria japonica, Chamaecyparis abtusa and bamboo, along roadsides, on the edge of a Quercus serrata grove, and on the floor of a Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii grove, etc. The number of stocks of this species were observed in each area. In the 10 areas, only 1 stock of this species was discoved. All specimens belong to the apogamous type. The following characters are observed and described in each specimen : color scale at the basal part of stipe, color of lower side of stipe, shape of pinnule, color of indusium, length of basal pinnule and second pinnule of anterior side of basal pinna, and position of sorus. As a result, 24 characters are observed. The 86 specimens are divided into 57 groups based on the combinations of characters mentioned above. No relationships are observed between the external morphology, distribution, and habitat condition.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1984-12-22
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