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Cyclogramma flexilis, thus far known only from Continental Asia, has recently been found in Japan. The present paper discusses its nomenclature, external morphology, habitat condition, as well as its relationship with closely allied C. leveillei. A habit sketch and a map showing its range of distribution are attached. The habitat lies on the slope of a small valley at altitude of 200m above sea level, in Kami-Gun, Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku. There the species is growing cohabited with 15 other ferns and 41 flowering plants, most of which are widely spread in Japan. The environment as such suggests its relatively new migration. The Japanese fern in discussion well agrees with the original description given by CHRIST. The identity was further verified by the comparison with Chinese specimens determined by CHING, who had examined the type. Cyclogramma flexilis comes closest to C. leveillei, from which it can easily be segregated by the blackish lanceolate scales and the shape and size of the lowest pinnae. Its range of distribution, spread over the Sino-Japanese region, appears in Japan to be the Sohayaki Type.
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