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Many typologies on the distribution pattern of the Japanese vascular plants have been proposed by various authors based on considaration of the distribution maps. In this paper, I newly propose 'Gleichenia japonica type' and 'Cleichenia japonica line' as an indicator of the distribution pattern and a border line with the distribution of the warm temperate species in Japan, based on considaration of the distribution of Dicranopteris pedata, Gleichenia japonica, Microlepia marginata, Sphenomeris chinensis, Ceratopteris thalictroides, Plagiogyria cuphlebia, P. japonica, Cyclosorus acuminatus, Diplazium chinense, D. nipponicum Polystichum polyblepharum, p. tsus-simense, p. tsus-simense var. mayebarae, Thelypteris laxa, T. torresiana var. calvata, T. viridifrons, and Lemmaphyllum microphyllum, etc. This type and line well agree with 95°of the warm index (cf. Fig. 3) and with the distribution map of evergreen broad-leaved forest in Japan (SUZUKI 1982).
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