- 論文の詳細を見る
This article is to report the results of the survey of evaluation of the second curriculum at the Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing. The subjects of the survey were 112 undergraduate students and 53 faculty members. What we found from the survey for students was as follows; a) as to the overall evaluation of the curriculum there was no significant difference among grades, b) the overall evaluation was fairly favorable, c) there was a certain correlation between overall evaluation and the degree of interest and desire to participate. The result of survey for faculty members showed that they placed greater importance on courses directly pertaining to nursing. Their understanding is the students are attaining the goal and the students' reaction in class is good. The faculty members are trying to make use of a variety of teaching techniques and materials. The survey revealed there are some problems yet to be solved. It cannot be denied that the survey had some limitations because the method used was a cross-sectional one and graduates were not included in the subjects. We will have to carry out a survey which will make multi-dimensional analyses possible.
- 日本赤十字看護大学の論文
- 2002-03-10
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