1歳6ヶ月児の母親の子ども虐待傾向 : 健診時における質問紙調査を通して
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The purpose of this research is to acquire the current tendency of Japanese child abuse from their mothers. The researcher analyzed its tendency from a viewpoint of their recognition of mother's role, affirmative or negative. The subjects were 152 Japanese mothers stayed in western Japan and the data were gathered from the questionnaire on the regular health screening test at one and half years old babies. The findings show as follows; first, there is a strong correlation between the time of their husbands' coming back home and the tendency of mother's child abuse. Second, there is, also, the correlation between the rates ofmother's having jobs and their negative recognition of their role. These findings would contribute to search the new insights of backgrounds and factors of Japanese child abuse from their mothers and improve its current situation.
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