- 論文の詳細を見る
A large stomatopod larva was taken at the south-east region off Mindanao, during deep-sea benthos sampling in connection with the marine biological and the oceanographical researches in the adjacent waters of Philippines in the first leg (January 27-February 12, 1979) of the cruise KH-79-1, which was carried out by the R/V Hakuho-Maru of the Ocean Research Institue of the University of Tokyo. The larva was collected by the beam trawl of 3m span at St. 5-1 (5°38.8'N, 130°20.2'E,-5°28.0'N, 130°19.9'E; depth, 5567m) on February 6, 1979, and it might be caught at shallower depth by the netting bag of the trawl on the way up to the surface, before daybreak. The specimen is 21.3mm in length from the tip of the rostral spine to the hind margin of the telson and it is an advanced pelagic stage of Lysioerichthus (a larval stage of the genus Lysiosquilla), so that it is here called Lysioerichthus sp. (KH79-1-5-1). Lysioerichthus sp. (KH79-1-5-1) shows a resemblance in some aspects to the following two Japanese forms, Lysioerichthus triangularis (Milne-Edwards) from Seto in Kii Province (length, 20mm) and Lysioerichthus sp. from unknown locality (Misaki?; length, 19.5mm), described by KOMAI & TUNG (1929). However, it can be mainly distinguished from the two above-mentioned Japanese forms by that it is provided with 18-19 pairs of spinules between the submedian spines on the hind margin of the telson and 7-8 spinules on the outer margin of the proximal segment of the uropodal exopod, whereas the two Japanese forms have 15 (L. triangularis) or 10 (L. sp.) spinules on the hind margin of the telson and only 4 or 5 outer spinules on the proximal segment of the uropodal exopod. If "Lysiosquilla larvae are those most likely to be found furthest from land" as stated by FAXON (1939), it will be of great interest for further investigations on stomatopod larval ecology and their planktonic transport.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1979-11-30
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